Your valuable support allows the market…
to provide services to our community including accepting EBT, WIC and Senior Vouchers, helping the freshest local foods get to your table, as well as provide educational programs to adults and children. Our collaborative project with Berea Kids Eat is an example of that work. Funding also helps us host events on healthy and nutritious foods to keep our community constantly engaged in the local food movement.
Double Dollar Program
You can help S.N.A.P. (Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program), WIC (Women Infants and Children), and Senior Voucher recipients double their food dollars!
The Berea Farmers Market will match dollar for dollar any E.B.T. (Electronic Benefits Transfer) up to $20 for a total of $40 of farm fresh food for those who need it most. WIC Vouchers are doubled from $5 to $10 as well as Senior Vouchers.
We would love to keep this program going by replenishing funds through your donations. Can you help?