

Berea Farmers Market



Every Saturday in Old Town Berea, in between Berea Tourism and the Skating Rink

207 N. Broadway St., Berea, KY

April - October: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

November - March: 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM


Did you know?

that We are a long standing market?

We are the second longest running farmers’ market in the state of Kentucky.

that we were founded by Bill Best in 1974?

Bill is currently still a vendor at the market and also a board member.

that we are a producer only market?

This means that the items sold at the market come right off the farm straight into the customers hands.  We absolutely do no allow any reselling of produce at our market.  This ensures that you are getting the freshest and best quality of vegetables and fruits year-round.

that we are a cooperative?

This means that the vendors make a lot of decisions with the operations and financial operations of the market.  We also have a board of directors that makes decisions on data collections, reporting, the activities, who is approved to vend and issues concerning the market. Both the cooperative and board of directors are governed by the markets’ set of By-Laws.

that all of the baked and value-added products are authentic?

The bakers and value-added products have to be produced in the home of the vendor that has been certified by the State of Kentucky.  This certification is called a Home-Based Processing Certificate.  The bakers pay a fee each year for their certification.

Our meat vendors must have a Retail Meat Certification?

They get this through their local health department and the fee must be paid each year. The health department will do inspections on the freezers at the farm location and the coolers at the market.  The meat vendors also must keep their coolers at health department specifications for temperatures and cleanliness.  The meat vendors are also required to keep on-hand records of processing and they must use a USDA facility.

That the scales our vendors use must be certified each year by the State of KY? 

The scales also must be legal trade and made for commercial use.  The scale must have a serial number, a model number and a Class III designation on the identification plate or seal.

Our vendors love that you support local farmers and artisans! 

We strive to bring high-quality products as you shop locally and keep your dollars in the community.  Please stop by and see us and converse about the products we have to offer you and your family!

Learn more about our vendors >>>