Become a vendor at Berea Farmers Market!


Farm Vendors:

Vendors who raise and/or grow the products that they’ll be selling a the market.

Value-added Vendors:

Vendors who make their products using at least one ingredient that they’ve grown.

Artisan Vendors:

Vendors who sell arts and crafts that are uniquely handmade by them.


We are pleased that you are considering vending with the Berea Farmers’ Market (BFM). Membership is open to persons who grow and produce their own consumable products and to artisans who produce unique, handmade work. Members agree to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the cooperative, are approved by the cooperative’s Board of Directors, and pay a vendor fee for summer season, winter season or a discounted all year membership (click this link for detailed information). We warmly invite you to become a part of this growing market with a vibrant and loyal customer base. 




1) Year-Round Market.

Our home location is the Chestnut Street Pavilion at 635 Chestnut Street we can be found there during our Summer operating season April through October. Our winter location (Nov-Mar) varies.

We are open every weekend except for the weekends after Christmas and New Years Day.

Membership options options include one day pop-ups (3 per year allowed,) seasonal (summer or winter only,) or full year membership. This allows you to vend just when you want, or the whole year long!


2) Producer Only Market.

The terms "local food" and "farmers market" are being used so liberally that they have begun to lose all meaning. The success of our market rests on our customers' trust that the products they purchase have direct farm impact on local farmers. All agricultural products must be grown by the vendor member and value-added food must contain at least one ingredient that the farmer has grown. Food that is prepared on-site must have ingredients sourced from that vendor's farm and/or other farmer members whenever available. Once accepted as a member, we will require a farm plan and members are subject to a farm or studio visit.  No reselling of any product is allowed.


3) Farmer Cooperative

Vendor Members use their strengths and skills to build the market. The work of the Cooperative is shared among the Market Coordinator, the Board of Directors, and Vendor Members to keep our market a thriving year-round event. We place a high value on keeping power--and responsibility--equal among every person.


4) Artisan Market

Our artisans bring beauty and expression to our market and we wouldn't be complete without them. We welcome artisans who produce unique, handmade work. We look for artists whose work reflects the fields, forests, mountains & people in which our market is rooted. We also value art that considers environmental sustainability.


5) Business Incubator

The Berea Farmers Market is committed to growing our local farm economy and that means helping our members to grow. We'll connect you to resources to help with basic business planning, to grants & low-cost loans to help fund farm expansion, to training and conferences to learn more about good growing practices and to customers who are looking for your product. We're proud that over the years, many of our vendors have gone on to “leave the nest,” (most recently, Native Bagel, Becky’s Breads, 4th Level Roasters & Clementine's Bake Shop) growing out of our market to start their own shops creating new, farm to table corridors. We'd like to help you too!




Rules and regulations are set forth in our membership agreement and by-laws, as well as those laid out in the Kentucky Department of Agriculture’s Farmers’ Market Manual.  For a quick reference to certifications & licenses needed to sell at the Berea Farmers Market please see our FAQ page.

Interested in vending with us?